A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

A puzzle game about math and breaking stuff.

34 riddles to solve!

Hope you didn't sleep through your math class!

Meet the team:

Parazytee - Level design, Music, Sound effects, Art

AggroBane - Programming, Input parser, UI, fix monkiBrain's code

MonkiBrain -  Programming, Card snaps, Optimisation

02Zack - Programming, lots of UI

Psycho - Programming, cutscenes, bug fixes

Th3Bos5 - Programming, Sand simulation

Seraphii - Art

Link to the repo to build the game yourself!


Overflow (Windows) 38 MB
Overflow (Linux) 50 MB

Install instructions

Just download and run the .exe!
If this doesn't work, you can always download the project here and follow the instructions in README.md


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(2 edits)

Known Issue: Factorials allow non-integers parameter (sympy auto completes with the gamma function :~] ).

Level 25-28 are therefore a lot easier to complete.

Have fun!